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                                                            Fitness  Classes          

Our classes take place in a large fitness room within our fitness center. The main wall is mirrored so you'll always be able to check your technique and proper form.  

We also feature gym equipment for use when classes aren't in session like fitness mats for stretching, stability balls, medicine balls, foam rollers, cardio steps, strength bands, BOSU Balance Trainer, kettlebells, dumbbells and more. Members are always welcome to use the fitness room for stretching or core work when classes aren't in session.

Our class schedule is updated every month. If the fitness classes you're interested in aren't offered, we may be able to add them in the future.....Just let us know!

Current Classes Offered

Balanced 2the Beat

Balanced 2the Beat

Currently not scheduled

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Indoor Cycling

Currently not scheduled

Meet Our Instructors


Some classes will incorporate the use of a fitness or yoga mat. Please bring your own mat. Mats are also available for rent or purchase.

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